On Tue, 2007-10-16 at 15:04 -0700, Jeff Grossman wrote:
> >> A7 SELECT "Inbox"
> >> A8 SEARCH SINCE 6-Sep-2007
> Just FYI, the above problem is still not fixed with beta 3.

Works with me:

1 search since 6-Sep-2007
* SEARCH 3 5 6 7 8
1 OK Search completed.
2 fetch 1:* internaldate
* 1 FETCH (INTERNALDATE "20-Sep-2003 04:41:29 +0300")
* 2 FETCH (INTERNALDATE "20-Sep-2003 21:52:40 +0300")
* 3 FETCH (INTERNALDATE "20-Oct-2007 16:32:40 +0300")
* 4 FETCH (INTERNALDATE "21-Sep-2003 11:41:04 +0300")
* 5 FETCH (INTERNALDATE "20-Oct-2007 16:32:40 +0300")
* 6 FETCH (INTERNALDATE "20-Oct-2007 16:32:40 +0300")
* 7 FETCH (INTERNALDATE "20-Oct-2007 17:40:58 +0300")
* 8 FETCH (INTERNALDATE "20-Oct-2007 17:41:50 +0300")
2 OK Fetch completed.

Try running imap manually (dovecot --exec-mail imap) with the same
commands. Are the INTERNALDATE replies wrong?

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