Alexander Banthien wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have recently switched over to Dovecot from CourierIMAP trying for
> some speedup, which I did get. Installation went OK, so all seemed fine.
> But suddenly I realised, that incoming emails are replicating
> themselves. This seems only to happen when connected with Thunderbird. I
> am also using Squirrelmail and KMail as clients which don't seem to show
> the behaviour.
> It seems to happen only for mails received during a Thunderbird session.
> When I close TBird and reopen it, only newly received messages will show
> the funny behaviour.
> The emails are real file copies in the Maildir, I have checked that.
> Running Dovecot on Debian Etch: dovecot --version: 1.0.0 (this is Debian
> package 1:1.0.0-1~bpo.1 from backports. I have tried the main package
> from Debian aswell, same result) with qmail delivering the mails to a
> Maildir without Dovecot's LDA.
> Clients:
> Thunderbird on WinXP over Wireless LAN (tried
> Thunderbird/Iceweasel on Debian aswell)
> Squirrelmail and KMail (both running on the same box as Dovecot) don't
> show that behaviour.
> Has anybody seen anything similar or have any advice on what to look
> for? I would like to stick with Dovecot but the way it is looking now, I
> find working with emails near impossible.


I had the same issue. Take a look at the logs of the smtp server. It was
delivered again and again by my postfix. I don't know if this is related to
dovecot and Thunderbird. But this was my first thought too.

> Thanks in advance,
> Alexander

        -- andreas

-- - cybernetic synapses

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