Charles Marcus wrote:
On 9/21/2007, FiL @ Kpoxa ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
I know this is totally unrelated to this topic, but...
Is there any extension to create and use templates?

? Just 'Save as' > Template...
Save as Template just save a message, but it doesn't allow you to use variables, use different templates, based on the action (reply, forward, new)
and so on.

I don't like "<full name> wrote:" in my reply messages and would
prefer some custom templates, that would be different for different

Oh... maybe you meant 'custom quote line' instead of 'template'?

Quickquote can do this to an extent (not to mention its killer, couldn't-live-without-it feature, 'Quote only selected text')...
I want something, that would allow me to do this -
1) different custom quote lines and different rules of using either full quote or just the latest message in the thread,
based on the account I'm using (I have 4 accounts configured in TB)

2) I want custom quote line, that would have date and time of the message am replying to.
Something like "On %DATE% %SENDER% wrote:"

3) I want cursor positioned AFTER quoted message automatically.

Most of the FIDO mailers back in 1990 had this functionality. I've seen some kind of Outlook Express add-on, that had something like that.
But there is nothing current and nothing that works with TB.

Well, anyway, thank you for trying to help.


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