

Currently we support Courier POP and IMAP for all our users (users can
use IMAP as well as POP at the same time).

We are thinking about moving to Dovecot; but first moving away from
Courier IMAP to Dovecot IMAP (and maybe later also move to Dovecot POP).

This would create a mixed environment; after some research I have the
following questions.


To not break POP3 Courier and still be able to use Dovecot IMAP:

-          I have to use the namespace prefix in the dovecot.conf file:
I read this in the wiki.

-          "Patch" the source so Dovecot IMAP will look for/use
'courierimapuiddb' instead of 'dovecot-uidlist': otherwise I guess POP3
and IMAP users will have different UID files, right? Is this smart or
will this still break the UID file?

-          "Patch" the source so Dovecot IMAP will look for/use
'courierimapsubscribed' instead of 'subscriptions' of should I just go
with the renaming of the files?


I'm thinking about patching so the transition can be as transparent as
possible: Also if anything might go wrong in production I want to be
able to switch back to the 'old' Courier IMAP (without renaming files

Any thoughts on this?





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