On Wed, 2007-09-19 at 09:05 -0300, "Fábio M. Catunda" wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm using lazy_expunge to backup that are deleted/expunged, but I would 
> like it to be visible to the user.
> I tried something like:
> namespace private {
>   prefix = .EXPUNGED/
>   separator = /
>   location = maildir:~/Maildir/.Apagadas
> }

I guess ~/Maildir is visible in default namespace? You shouldn't do
that. The locations should be different for each of these namespaces and
they shouldn't be visible in other namespaces.

The clients would see them under ".EXPUNGED" mailbox. You may want to
change that prefix to something else, like "Expunged messages/". Also
since you're using '/' separator here, you must be using '/' separator
in your default namespace as well. If you aren't, change the separator
in these namespaces also, and use a prefix such as "Expunged messages.".

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