Ed W wrote:
>> http://wiki.dovecot.org/HowTo/ImapProxy
>> Works quite well here.
> This is very interesting
> Does it work ok if you want to have one machine handle the nearly all
> the normal IMAP traffic, but it has the ability to proxy a few users to
> a different server?
> ie do you need to set it up as a proxy in front of another server, or
> can you have a hybrid server?

We have dedicated proxies, but I doesn't look difficult to proxy some
connections and not others. Just add the appropriate fields, it would
seem, though I've never tried it.

> In conjuction with some kind of imap folder sync this would be quite
> cool in a multi-office setup where you can then easily move users
> mailbox to the closest server where they are working and a few DNS
> tricks would allow them to turn up in any office and immediately start
> working.

We use mysql for the backend so it simply requires an UPDATE statement
to point a user to a different drbd storage set. We use rsync to move
domains from set to set when necessary.

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