Hi Russel,

On Sun, 05 Aug 2007 08:28:12 -0700
Don Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 1 - storage is cheap - Costco sells a 1 TByte external drive for
> approx $US 300. That holds a LOT of e-mail. The 500 GByte is less
> than half that price.
The problem is not storage as such. It's reliability of storage. For
a good server, you need a hardware raid + backup, the latter being
the real problem (mostly the time to make the backup, 1 TB would need
quite some hours ;-)

> 2 - why not enforce quotas? I assume you could set quotas by user.
We will have quotas, but they have to be realatively big (100 MB +),
as we want that people are able to receive large messages. We don't
mind the traffic.

> POP users could opt to keep a copy on the server, so that doesn't 
> guarantee anything.
It does not guarantee, but the experience shows that using IMAP, people
tend to archive the mails on the servers.

> I prefer IMAP because then I can access the same mail from different 
> clients computers...

Me too. But we need the possiblity to disable it for some users at the



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