Hi Gerard,

Thanks for explanation :)
I'll switch to other mail service.

Thursday, July 5, 2007, 1:27:40 PM, you wrote:

> On Thursday July 05, 2007 at 05:52:26 (AM) Sergey A. Kobzar wrote:

>> Is it possible receive my own posts to the list? I have configured
>> such option "Receive your own posts to the list? - Yes" on Mailman
>> page but it still does not work.

> The problem you are describing has nothing to do with this list, but
> rather with the inferior mail service you are employing (GMail). This
> is a well known deficiency with that product. A quick perusal of their
> mail forums will turn up hundreds of complains about the lack of
> support for the feature you are posting about, among others. Google
> (GMail) feels they have the right to simply route your email anyway
> they so desire. Worse, since GMail does not employ 'white listing',
> there is a good chance that mail from forum members will end up in
> your SPAM folder anyway.

> In my humble opinion, you would be far better served by enlisting the
> services of a better and more reliable mail service provider.


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