mouss wrote:

>> Can Dovecot handle mbox for some users and maildir for others? I'd 
>> like to try a conversion for one user... I'll probably create a new
>> user, then have procmail copy (via ! action code) all mail for one
>> user to that new user.
> Why not use one of the available mbox 2 maildir utilities.

in case you would have problems with this for whatever reason, another
is to simply start copying mail-folders inside a mail-client which
connects to both
old and new imap-server (or old mailboxes vs. new imap-server)

with that option you can even easily convert from mailboxes with "weird"
formats like native pegasus mail mailboxes to maildir-format, assuming that
you have set maildir-format as default on your new imap-server

just connect to your new imap-server with maildir as default inside your
email-client and start copying etc.

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