Andy Fadich spake the following on 6/28/2007 3:27 PM:
> What do you mean "The same happens with UW-IMAP/POP3"  Do you mean that
> internal data message is standard with both dovecot and ipop3d?
> Ill go look for some answers on webmins website also. Thanks for the help.
> Andy
That is definitely the problem. Usermin reads the mail files directly. So does
Openwebmail, neomail, and some of the older early webmail clients. Dovecot
won't like it because of its index files. UWImap worked because it kept its
markups inside the mbox along with the message.
Squirrelmail is included with Core 6 and is IMAP4 compliant, so it won't mess
with the indexing on the server. It will work much better than usermin as a
mail client.


MailScanner is like deodorant...
You hope everybody uses it, and
you notice quickly if they don't!!!!

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