A Dissabte 16 Juny 2007 16:10, Jon Slater va escriure:
> Hi,
> I’ve posted this before but no one was able to help.  I can’t figure
> out what they are trying to do, and if I should be concerned.

> I am running dovecot version 0.99.14 on Fedora Core 4.  It appears
> that my dovecot server is under attack.  This morning in my system
> e-mail I saw this:

Hi Jon,

just my 5 cents, 

eventually you can figure out if they are trying to login directly to 
you imap/pop3 ports or maybe through a webmail?

In every case why don't you give a try to a fail2ban program to block 
automatically login failures through iptables and of course upgrade 
your dovecot's installation?




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