I don't think you've missed anything :)

See: http://www.dovecot.org/list/dovecot/2007-March/020911.html

> There were really only two things I had to patch Dovecot to do: first,
> provide statistics on network usage, and second, to allow folders to
> be LIST'd/SELECT'd/etc. with a trailing separator (to satisfy my pine
> users). If anyone's interested, I can generate a patch for that
> stuff."

Kyle had given me a copy of the bandwidth logging patch. It's quite simple. I'd suggest you contact him first. I can dig it out myself if you need, too.

I don't believe there is a mainstream option in the config file for this yet, but I could be mistaken.

Good luck!


Phillip T. George wrote:
Hello all,

I'm wanting to set up IMAP bandwidth monitoring, but I don't see any IMAP size transfer entries in the log file. How would I turn this on? Please refer me to the manual if I've somehow missed it :)


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