Ive been runing dovecot on a fc6 dell poweredge 2950 for about 4 weeks now with no issues. Im authenticating against openldap 2.3.27. It appears ok. I restarted ldap, and dovecot, and everything looked fine
As Timo mentioned, it sounds like the auth socket is being deleted because it's in a place that the 'tmpwatch' tool will clean out; the default on FC6 is anything more than 720hrs old (30 days), which fits right in to your 4-week observation.
Compare the location of your sockets/cache (dovecot -n) with the list of directories cleaned by tmpwatch (look in /etc/cron.daily/tmpwatch) and make sure the two aren't stepping on each other's toes.
-te -- Troy Engel | Systems Engineer Fluid, Inc | http://www.fluid.com