Timo Sirainen writes:

Then there are also people who would want to run Dovecot on their laptop
and have it synchronize with the main server whenever network connection
is available.


I had not thought of that, but that would be killer.. although that would be multi-master which I think would be really difficult to implement.. :-(

I was hoping to find an existing global lock manager. I think there
exist some. If not, then I'll have to spend some more time thinking
about it. Anyway everyone don't want to use AFS, so I can't rely on
it :)

It is not that people dont want.. it is that some times they can't.
For example where I work we are keeping a close eye on Gluster, but it currently does not work in FreeBSD. Some of the other distrbibuted filesystems are either not as mature in FreeBSD or are non existent.

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