--On Wednesday, March 28, 2007 3:46 AM +0300 Timo Sirainen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

After v1.0 is released, I can finally get back to sane version numbers.

Have the RC's released new features as well as fixed bugs? I've been hesitant to upgrade to an RC because they seem to be released so frequently and I have no idea if one is more or less stable than another. This uncertainty is a big show-stopper to upgrading. It would help if, for a given RC, we knew exactly what known issues that RC had. (Is that in the wiki?)

I'd suggest that a "version" be assigned only to something that should get spread around. A nightly snapshot should get the version it was based from and a timestamp suffix of when it was extracted from CVS. (Were this Subversion, I'd append the repository revision, instead.) The snapshot is not a "version" but a convenient download from CVS. It should be exactly what you get with the same timestamp used in a checkout command.

Apache's versioning scheme (posted by John Peacock) looks good to me:


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