Behcet Sarikaya via Datatracker <> writes:

> Reviewer: Behcet Sarikaya

Hi Behcet,

Thanks for the review.

> Discrepancy between the title and abstract
> Title says SHA1 is deprecated while abstract says RSASHA1 and
> RSASHA1-NSEC3-SHA1 are deprecated

Yes, the abstract is a bit more succinct and exact. Note that the title
doesn't just say "deprecating SHA-1" but rather "SHA-1 in DNSSEC
signature algorithms".

> The security of the SHA-1 algorithm [RFC3174] Add from 2001
> Reference for RSA SHA1, RSASHA1-NSEC3-SHA1 is RFC 3110 and it should
> be added

So I changed the reference to the history to include 3110 so this has
been done now.  Thanks.

> Agree with Yoav’s review and Barry’s and Florian’s review on
> terminology

Yep, we've fixed those too.
Wes Hardaker

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