Internet-Draft draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc8624-bis-01.txt is now available. It is a
work item of the Domain Name System Operations (DNSOP) WG of the IETF.

   Title:   DNSSEC Cryptographic Algorithm Recommendation Update Process
   Authors: Wes Hardaker
            Warren Kumari
   Name:    draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc8624-bis-01.txt
   Pages:   12
   Dates:   2024-10-09


   <EDITOR NOTE: This document does not change the status (MUST, MAY,
   RECOMMENDED, etc) of any of the algorithms listed in [RFC8624]; that
   is the work of future documents.  Instead, this document moves the
   canonical list of algorithms from [RFC8624] to an IANA registry.
   This is done for two reasons: 1) to allow the list to be updated more
   easily, and, much more importantly, 2) to allow the list to be more
   easily referenced.>

   The DNSSEC protocol makes use of various cryptographic algorithms to
   provide authentication of DNS data and proof of non-existence.  To
   ensure interoperability between DNS resolvers and DNS authoritative
   servers, it is necessary to specify both a set of algorithm
   implementation requirements and usage guidelines to ensure that there
   is at least one algorithm that all implementations support.  This
   document updates [RFC8624] by moving the canonical source of
   algorithm implementation requirements and usage guidance for DNSSEC
   from [RFC8624] to an IANA registry.  Future extensions to this
   registry can be made under new, incremental update RFCs.

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