Hi Med, On 29.07.24 13:56, mohamed.boucad...@orange.com wrote:
Hi Carsten, all,There is a mismatch between what is claimed in the abstract/into vs. core documents. Concretely, when reading “This document specifies the usage of Service Parameters..” or “This document specifies which information from SvcParams ..”, I thought this is a discussion about the applicability of existing parameters per https://www.iana.org/assignments/dns-svcb/dns-svcb.xhtml to CoAP. However, the doc focuses on alpn. It seems to me that the main contribution is to register an ALPN ID for CoAP over DTLS (i.e., Section 5.1).
Noted, we will adapt the presentation for -01.
Is there any specific reason why this request is not made as part of I-D.ietf-core-dns-over-coap?
We thought about this, but in the end, CoAP over DTLS is used in other contexts than just DNS over CoAP. Given that CoAP over TLS defines its ALPN ID in its RFC, and CoAP over DTLS was just too early for that, we thought it's better to have the ALPN ID for CoAP over DTLS to be its own document.
Best Martine
Cheers, Med *De :* Carsten Bormann <c...@tzi.org> *Envoyé :* lundi 29 juillet 2024 12:17 *À :* c...@ietf.org *Cc :* dnsop@ietf.org *Objet :* [core] Fwd: WG Adoption Call for draft-lenders-core-coap-dtls-svcb Resending as there appears to be a mail forwarding problem. -------- Forwarded Message -------- *Subject: * WG Adoption Call for draft-lenders-core-coap-dtls-svcb *Date: * Mon, 29 Jul 2024 11:59:31 +0200 *From: * Marco Tiloca <marco.til...@ri.se> <mailto:marco.til...@ri.se> *To: * c...@ietf.org <mailto:c...@ietf.org> <c...@ietf.org> <mailto:c...@ietf.org> *CC: * dnsop@ietf.org <mailto:dnsop@ietf.org> Dear all, During the CoRE session at IETF 120, there was in-room consensus on the WG supporting the adoption of draft-lenders-core-coap-dtls-svcb [1]. As presented in [2], the present document is part of the "DNS over CoAP bundle", and it is a normative reference for draft-ietf-core-dns-over-coap specifying DNS over CoAP [3]. Therefore, having the present document adopted by the WG is a pre-requirement for having a WG Last Call on [3]. This mail starts a 3 week Working Group Adoption Call for draft-lenders-core-coap-dtls-svcb [1], giving some more time than usual due to the holiday season. Please provide your feedback by replying to this mail before Monday, 19 August 2024. (This call for adoption has also DNSOP in CC for gathering any technical input) Best, /Marco [1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-lenders-core-coap-dtls-svcb/ <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-lenders-core-coap-dtls-svcb/> [2] https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/120/materials/slides-120-core-dns-service-binding-records-with-coap-00.pdf <https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/120/materials/slides-120-core-dns-service-binding-records-with-coap-00.pdf> [3] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-core-dns-over-coap/ <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-core-dns-over-coap/>--Marco Tiloca Ph.D., Senior Researcher Phone: +46 (0)70 60 46 501 RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB Box 1263 164 29 Kista (Sweden) Division: Digital Systems Department: Computer Science Unit: Cybersecurity https://www.ri.se <https://www.ri.se/> ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ce message et ses pieces jointes peuvent contenir des informations confidentielles ou privilegiees et ne doivent donc pas etre diffuses, exploites ou copies sans autorisation. Si vous avez recu ce message par erreur, veuillez le signaler a l'expediteur et le detruire ainsi que les pieces jointes. Les messages electroniques etant susceptibles d'alteration, Orange decline toute responsabilite si ce message a ete altere, deforme ou falsifie. Merci. This message and its attachments may contain confidential or privileged information that may be protected by law; they should not be distributed, used or copied without authorisation. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender and delete this message and its attachments. As emails may be altered, Orange is not liable for messages that have been modified, changed or falsified. Thank you. _______________________________________________ core mailing list -- c...@ietf.org To unsubscribe send an email to core-le...@ietf.org
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