The following errata report has been verified for RFC7901,
"CHAIN Query Requests in DNS". 

You may review the report below and at:

Status: Verified
Type: Technical

Reported by: Mark Andrews <>
Date Reported: 2024-07-27
Verified by: Warren Kumari (Ops AD) (IESG)

Section: 8.3

Original Text
8.3.  Nonexistent Data

   A recursive resolver receives a query for the A record for
   "".  It includes the CHAIN option with the
   following parameters:

   o  Option-code, set to 13

   o  Option-length, set to 0x00 0x03

   o  The closest trust point set to "ca."

Corrected Text
8.3.  Nonexistent Data

   A recursive resolver receives a query for the A record for
   "".  It includes the CHAIN option with the
   following parameters:

   o  Option-code, set to 13

   o  Option-length, set to 0x00 0x04

   o  The closest trust point set to "ca."

The value of the option is 0x02 0x63 0x61 0x00 which has length 4 not 3.

RFC7901 (draft-ietf-dnsop-edns-chain-query-07)
Title               : CHAIN Query Requests in DNS
Publication Date    : June 2016
Author(s)           : P. Wouters
Category            : EXPERIMENTAL
Source              : Domain Name System Operations
Stream              : IETF
Verifying Party     : IESG

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