All Chairs wish to Thank everyone for attending and participating. Special thanks to Paul Hoffman for these minutes. If you spoke at the mic line, check to make sure you were quoted correctly.
The minutes also contain a link to the chat logs - I have found that helpful myself. We're working on a short list of chair actions that we will follow up on in the coming weeks. The minutes can be found at these links or attached to this email for the extremely Busy DNS Person. thanks again tim ---
DNSOP WG Vancouver, BC, Canada Session 1 Date: Monday, July 22, 2024 Time: 15:30-17:00 local Chairs: Benno Overeinder, Suzanne Woolf, Tim Wicinski Only discussion during the mic line are covered here, not the slides You should definitely read the slides Administrivia, Chairs Opening, Note Well and Blue Sheets Lots of review of the past few months in the slides Side meeting on DNS "load balancing" on Wednesday Hackathon update: Willem Toorop and Johan Stenstam Generalized DNS Notifications, Peter Thomassen draft-ietf-dnsop-generalized-notify Ben Schwartz: Litmus test for SVCB records is whether it is under a URI scheme Only useful if you have a URI for the things you want to use Ondřej Surý: Confusing to use the word "notify" and "notifications" Robert Story: You don't want to send the notify until all your nameservers are in sync Maybe set a timer in a record to tell when to revalidate Q Misell: No different notifications for CDS and CDNSKEY Is it appropriate for a registrar to implement this? Peter: how would a registrar announce the endpoint for this? Johan Stenstam: Sympathize with Ondřej's confusion This is a new use case, keep with the NOTIFY name Child has no way to know when a parental scan will happen, so scan now Matt Pounsett: Break the assumption of about NOTIFY SVCB is not appropriate without doing new stuff Automating DNS Delegation Management via DDNS, Johan Stenstam draft-johani-dnsop-delegation-mgmt-via-ddns Ondřej: Wanted to deprecate SIG(0) Johan: We really like it Paul Hoffman: What is the KSK you talked about? Johan: It is the same Ted Lemon: Can't get rid of SIG(0) Delegation Revalidation by DNS Resolvers, Willem Toorop draft-ietf-dnsop-ns-revalidation Ben Schwartz: If the resolver doesn't block responding, what is the security advantage? Willem: After the first response Ben: Are there deployed resolvers with strict resolver security? Willem: Maybe RHEL Ben: Wants to be cautious about security claims Ondřej: Document is underspecified for when you get no nameservers More on error conditions Robert: Would like more description of the rankings Maybe new terminology Mark Andrews: A lot of things broke when they turned this on Needs to get Google and other public resolvers and fail fully when child records don't match Willem: Some places in DNS namespace are more resilient, still work to do Jim Reid: Mark's idea is unrealistic, non-starter Secure Nameserver Selection Algorithm for DNS Resolvers, Fenglu Zhang draft-zhang-dnsop-ns-selection Ondřej: Purpose of multiple nameservers is not balancing, but resilience Language of the draft is overly aggressive, tone it down Disagrees with the vulnerabilities in BIND Based on wrong premise Fenglu: About 3% of nameservers are non-responsive Was imprecise about BIND9 status for some things in the draft Ben: A lot of these issues are inappropriate for IETF draft The one that seems closed to this is the disabling attack Question about what constitutes a vulnerability Think carefully about what the promises that are being made Benno: Ask an implementer about the next draft ----- Session 2 Date: Thursday, July 25, 2024 Time: 18:30-19:30 local Chairs: Benno Overeinder, Suzanne Woolf, Tim Wicinski 464 Customer-side Translator (CLAT): Node Recommendations, Tommy Jensen draft-link-v6ops-claton Warren: Can we be creative with the wording in 7050 Jen Linkova: Would like 7050 to disappear Send clear message with MUST NOT Ben: SHOULD but we know you won't Can change the examples But if nobody does this, we should reflect reality Validating stub resolver Mark: The text does not say what the secure channel is DNS64 will change the AAAA records because it breaks DNSSEC Make DNS64 obsolete David Schinazi: Has implemented RFC 7050 There are cases where you need to use NAT64 directly for happy eyeballs Deprecate 7050 and DNS64 Lorenzo Colitti: This is not a good mechanism It would be nice of 7050 goes away, not using prefs option Tommy: We should be honest Could update 7050 to point out that most links are already encrypted Nick Buraglio: Deprecating this would not preclude anything that exists Sends a message because this is the modern way to do it Better from an operator perspective Warren: Everybody is doing this We don't have to keep DNS64, and say why Jen: In V6OPS WG, they already have a document to deprecate Good to say "don't use this because it is obsolete" DNS based load balancing (a.k.a. GeoDNS, GSLB) side meeting summary, Ben Schwartz Will need a name for the mailing list Should we be thinking in terms internal to nameservers, or the protocols talking between the parties Client Authentication Recommendations for Encrypted DNS, Tommy Jensen draft-tjjk-cared Warren: Comcast can say "please fill in this form to get access to our resolver" Tommy: This would be inappropriate Would be willing to write why this is bad Why not do this in ADD? Tommy: ADD is for discovering server properties Tobias Fiebig: The connection must be very explicit Tommy: Does not want to be over-inclusive Wes: Likes the guidance; it is supercritical Knowing whether you expect to authenticate is important If you can spell it out to say "managed devices", that would be better Ben: Agrees with substantive content of the draft, horrified by everything else We are not empowered to tell people "of the things that can work together, don't use these two" We can give a list of implications, don't require a specific protocol Maybe can use Privacy Pass for this Doesn't like the normative language Tommy: We don't say "shouldn't do anything else" Talk about the properties, don't do a survey Jim: Great piece of work, should be adopted in DNSOP No one else is the right home Joe: Agrees with Jim Volunteers to help Interop is important, annoying if everyone does it their own way Bad if you get this wrong Defending the user of devices, preventing privacy leaking everywhere Jessica Krynitsky: Like the energy and hate of what it is worded Agrees with the idea of enumerating properties Erik Nygren: Will help interop Warn people about the sharp edges Q: Good informational document Might have reasons to run something else Warren: Corporate resolvers horrifies us Interoperability is good; we should document this Is not clear if this is in the charter Wants a poll: more "yes" than "no", equal number of "no opinion" Zone Hopping: A method to prevent zone-walking in DNSSEC, Fatema Bannat Wala draft-fbw-dnsop-dnszonehop Joe: Aggressive NSEC caching Stopped zone walking, but also stops resolution in the real world Fatema: Interested in the drawbacks Ondřej: Horrible idea, wearing a developer's hat DNS deployment has a long tail, it will take years Will not implement this Evan Hunt: Same remark as NSEC5 Zone walking is not a problem Don't need another solution Waste of WG time for something that is not a problem Q: There is no such thing as a sensitive DNS name
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