Hi DNSOP, The practice of DNS Load Balancing -- sending different answers to different resolvers to optimize latency and avoid overload -- has been around for at least 25 years, and remains as popular as ever. It's never really been supported in the DNS standards though, and it particularly conflicts with the concepts of zone files, zone transfers, and offline signing.
I think it's time we did better on this front. To that end, Shane Kerr and I will be hosting a side meeting at IETF 120 on DNS Load Balancing, tentatively scheduled for Wednesday afternoon: https://wiki.ietf.org/en/meeting/120/sidemeetings#wednesday-24-july We hope to develop a strategy for standardization, discuss topics that should be in or out of scope, and possibly present a demo of what standards support for load balancing could look like. Please join us (in-person or remotely) if you have an interest in this topic. For discussion in the next few weeks before the meeting, we'll be experimenting with the IETF's new Slack channels for collaboration. If you have thoughts or questions, please join our channel (using your Datatracker account): https://ietf.slack.com/archives/C07AC0KDNJY Regards, Ben Schwartz
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