On 19:50 17/06, John Levine wrote:
> According to John R. Levine  <jo...@iecc.com>:
> >It currently says:
> >
> >  A name server MAY include more than one ZONEVERSION option in the
> >  response if it supports multiple TYPEs. A name server MUST NOT include
> >  more than one ZONEVERSION option for a given TYPE. ...
> >;com.ws.sp.am.                       IN      A
> >
> >ws.sp.am.            300     IN      DNAME   whois.services.net.
> >com.ws.sp.am.                300     IN      CNAME   com.whois.services.net.
> >com.whois.services.net.      300     IN      CNAME   whois.verisign-grs.com.
> Hmmn. I think it means it should only return a zoneversion for
> ws.sp.am because it matches the query, and if I want info on the
> second CNAME I should ask for it separately.

Yes, that's right. The zoneversion response must match the "original
QNAME" zone, meaning "the name actually sent in the Question section
in the original query".

Also note that the "TYPE" mentioned in this paragraph:

>  A name server MAY include more than one ZONEVERSION option in the
>  response if it supports multiple TYPEs. A name server MUST NOT include
>  more than one ZONEVERSION option for a given TYPE.

is the *zoneversion* type. Not the QTYPE of the query. This is to allow
the server to return more than one zoneversion "formats" in a single

> Might be worth adding that it MUST NOT return version info for any
> records that don't match the original query.  Yeah, it should be
> obvious, but at least one person (me) got confused.

Thank you, we will look into adding it.



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