Willem Toorop writes:
>     Should RFC 8767 stale data be ranked differently than fresh data?
>     Should EDNS Client Subnet play into ranking?
> I like your thinking! Yes, fresh data should replace stale data in
> resolver caches

It's basically A- in your draft's hierarchy, I think, though the
current structure gives each letter grade only one type of data for it
and there's already an A-.  However, I am also wondering about the A-
as described, because it seems to suggest that an SOA in auth is less
trustworthy than an SOA in ans.  (Also, A and A- differ in
"authoritative reply" vs "authoritative answer" which are seemingly
describing the same thing.)

I get that you're trying to indicate that NS in auth is lower than
(correctly scoped) NS in ans, but it needs a little finagling, maybe
just to call out explicitly NS rather than generalized data.

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