On Sun, Mar 3, 2024 at 11:34 PM Kazunori Fujiwara <fujiw...@jprs.co.jp>

> dnsop WG,
> "unrelated" (or, previosly called as out-of-bailiwick) name server names
> are
> necessary for DNS hosting providers.

Fujiwara-san, I have to nitpick your very first statement above.

Many DNS providers do offer the ability to pick "vanity" or "custom"
names, which their customers can use to deploy in-domain nameservers. This
could be because the customer really does want to make DNS resolution
But it could be for other reasons (branding, or some other perceived
security reason).
My employer uses such features extensively.

This is not simply the customer pointing their own names at the provider's
DNS server
addresses. This is a contract with the provider that they will maintain
that association
and won't change the IP addresses from under them (the "going stale"
problem) without
advance notice and coordination.

I think I agree with your general goal, but as others have remarked, there
is no way to
enforce this, so at best this could be a recommendation.

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