Sorry, Bob, this is just me being ignorant—my experience of zone signing
and validation is largely as a consumer, not an author of code. If this can
only occur within a single zone, then I think what I said still
applies—it's hard to see how this is a serious problem in that case. Again,
I don't mean the attack isn't the problem—I mean that forbidding collisions
should be very doable, although as I said previously, it might require some
process changes.

On Tue, Feb 20, 2024 at 9:47 AM Bob Harold <> wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 20, 2024 at 9:06 AM Ted Lemon <> wrote:
>> This seems like an implementation detail. The random likelihood of the
>> root and com key hashes colliding seems pretty small. And while com is
>> rather large, computes aren't as expensive as they were when y'all invented
>> the ritual. I suspect that if you just always pick two keys and sign the
>> zones twice, this problem becomes so improbable that we never have to fall
>> back to actually re-doing the ceremony. But if we did have to fall back
>> once in a blue moon and re-do the ceremony, that might be quite a bit
>> cheaper than allowing key hash collisions in situations where it's actually
>> a problem. I think it would be completely reasonable to insist that if
>> there is a key collision between e.g. com and, that
>> could be obligated to regenerate its key rather than com.
> I thought key collisions were only in a single domain.  Anytime you are
> looking for a key tag, you already know the zone.  Collisions across zones
> don't matter, unless your implementation is only tracking keys by tag and
> not by zone.
> Or am I missing something?
> --
> Bob Harold
>> On Tue, Feb 20, 2024 at 8:42 AM Edward Lewis <>
>> wrote:
>>> On 2/16/24, 15:05, "DNSOP on behalf of Mark Andrews" <
>>> on behalf of> wrote:
>>> Pardon ... perhaps this issue has died down, but I've been off a few
>>> days, and I just saw this...
>>> >Generating a new key is not hard to do.
>>> That's not the issue, it's knowing that it would be the wise thing to do
>>> that is the issue.
>>> >Adding a check against the common key store is not hard to do in a
>>> multi-signer scenario.  It can be completely automated.
>>> I'm not in agreement with that.  Some keys are managed with off-net HSM
>>> devices, accessed only during a key ceremony.  There may be some cases
>>> where the key set is assembled and signed without access of the 'net.  This
>>> is a result of an early design rule in DNSSEC, we had to design around a
>>> system that air-gapped the private keys from the open network.
>>> This does underscore the importance of coherency in the key set even in
>>> a multi-signer scenario.  (There was talk of trying to let each server have
>>> its own key set perspective.)  In order to detect key tag collisions, the
>>> managing entity has to be able to see the entire set.
>>> >We could even use the DNS and UPDATE to do that. Records with tuples of
>>> algorithm, tag and operator. Grab the current RRset. Add it as a
>>> prerequisite with a update for the new tag.
>>> This approach leaves open a race condition.  It's possible that two
>>> signers simultaneously generate keys with colliding key tags and each gets
>>> to add because they don't see each other.  My point, while this is
>>> admirable, achieving the perfect solution is out of reach, so let's not
>>> assume we can ever totally avoid key tag collisions.
>>> My thesis is - key tag collisions are not the driver for validation
>>> resource consumption.  In the research paper, collisions do contribute by
>>> scaling the impact up.  Through using invalid signature values, resource
>>> consumption can be drained by throwing multiple "good-looking" signatures
>>> along with data set and having many keys.  The fact that key tags can
>>> collide only mean that I can cause multiple checks per signature, which may
>>> help hide my malicious tracks.
>>> And remember, the paper requires that the crypto operations always
>>> fail.  I.e., the is no success to be missed by not trying all the
>>> combinations of keys and signatures.  A simple timer is all that is needed.
>>> Key tag collisions are a pain in key management, operators that have
>>> experienced them have shown not to tolerate them for long even if there
>>> were no outages.  To me, whatever can be done to easily avoid them would be
>>> good, trying to define an interoperable way (standard) to eliminate them
>>> would prove to be overkill. original point was...don't include
>>> this idea in a future design.
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