After thinking about the response below a bit, my question would be - when a 
receiver expects a record to be present, but it isn’t, what is the proper 

The proper response will depend on the reason - more accurately the presumed 
(lacking any out-of-band signals) reason - why the record is absent.

From observations of the deployment of DNSSEC, most of the time that needed 
records weren’t present have been from operational errors and not malicious 
activity.  This has led to a mindset that makes new deployments seen as high 

It’s very important that a secured protocol be able to thwart or limit damage 
due to malicious behavior, but it also needs to tolerate benign operational 
mistakes.  If mistakes are frequent and addressed by dropping the guard, then 
the security system is a wasted in investment.

I’ve not yet equated a missing DELEG record to a sign of a malicious attack.  I 
can see that during a transitional phase, the absence/presence of a DELEG 
record may be a matter of one or more operators experiencing roll-out jitters.  
Or even caching effects, where (apparently) overly long TTLs on existing 
resource record sets for a zone might have pinned them into memory while 
servers are now publishing DELEG.

That is why the protocol definition needs to treat this as ‘set expectations’ 
and how to react, rather than assume a mindset of addressing ‘downgrade 
attacks.’  How one reacts to a benign error is different than the reaction to a 
malicious attack, in the past protocol definitions have been written as if 
everything unexpected was malicious.

The question remains - can a receiver distinguish between a benign error and a 
malicious attack?

From: Ben Schwartz <>
Date: Tuesday, January 30, 2024 at 13:59
To: Edward Lewis <>, "" <>
Subject: [Ext] Re: General comment about downgrades vs. setting expectations in 
protocol definitions

In this line of reasoning, let's remember the "herd immunity" effect.  If 
receivers mostly respond to expectation violations by transparent fallback, an 
attacker on the wire has more incentive to attempt the downgrade attack.  If 
receivers mostly "fail closed", this incentive is reduced.  This is a 
collective security effect, not something that can be determined unilaterally 
by each receiver.

--Ben Schwartz
From: DNSOP <> on behalf of Edward Lewis 
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2024 1:21 PM
To: <>
Subject: [DNSOP] General comment about downgrades vs. setting expectations in 
protocol definitions

  This Message Is From an External Sender


I hear talk about "downgrade attacks" frequently, across different ideas.  
Hearing it again in the context of DELEG, I had this thought.

We often wind up mired in discussions about downgrades, what they mean, the 
consequences.  I'd suggest, as definers of protocols, we think in terms of 
ensuring that receivers of messages have an expectation of something.  Inside 
protocol rules, data may be expected and arrive, expected and not, unexpected 
and arrive, or unexpected and not arrive.  A downgrade attack is a diagnosis of 
"expected and not".

A protocol ought to be documented to set up the receiver's expectations and 
define what the receiver does when they are not met.

Apologies for this generic message, when looking at the DELEG documents again, 
it'll be something I'll keep in mind.  I.e., the proposal to define one of the 
flags in the DNSKEY resource record format is setting up an expectation....

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