On 1/30/24, 01:14, "DNSOP on behalf of Ralf Weber" <dnsop-boun...@ietf.org on 
behalf of d...@fl1ger.de> wrote:
>... but having a
>    record type that is extensible from the start ...

Designing in extensibility is a very good idea, ah, essential idea, but isn't a 

Start by asking and documenting: What information is needed at a DNS 
delegation?  There's the service address of course.  There's a security context 
to be related.  And there are arguably other meta-data to include.  Consensus 
on this answer needs to be achieved, from this we can determine whether the 
construct of the resource record is necessary and sufficient.

Because the draft only defines DELEG via examples, I need to ask this question 
this way:

The RDATA has three fields -
<a number> <a domain name> <space-separated list of keyword=value elements>

Is there going to be an assumed "standard set" of keywords?  (And a defined 
manner to know how to deal with unknown-to-the-receiver keywords.)  In asking 
this I'm thinking of the early experience with message compression, that is was 
supposed to only work for the types defined in the base DNS documents [those 
labeled STD 13] but then compression was accidently/inappropriately added for 
more, which led to a mess that "Handling of Unknown DNS Resource Record (RR) 
Types" had to deal with.

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