Thanks all, done!

On Tue, Jan 16, 2024 at 5:01 AM, Joe Abley <> wrote:

> Hi Warren,
> On 15 Jan 2024, at 22:49, Warren Kumari <> wrote:
> Seeing as the document says you should "expect: flag: aa to be present",
> it does seem like it would be better if it also said: "expect: flag: do to
> be present if an RRSIG is in the response", as that is more inline with
> what someone writing a test would see.
> If someone checks for "flag: aa" literally in output they will be
> disappointed, given the output in your example.
> Similarly, if someone checks for "flag: do" literally in output they will
> suffer a different kind of disappointment, since the dig output uses
> "flags" plural.
> However, I think it would actually be better to detach the language more
> clearly from the output of a particular version of a particular tool (not
> just in this document, but in all documents). It's not like dig is the only
> game in town, and it's not like the output of dig is invariant between
> releases.
> This seems like a fairly simple clarification / place where things could
> have been worded better, but I don't think that it rises to the level of a
> "Verified" errata, but it's also not wrong, so my proposed resolution is:
> Accept the errata as Editorial, Hold for Document Update.
> That seems reasonable to me.
> Joe
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