On 19 Dec 2023, at 03:34, Paul Wouters <p...@nohats.ca> wrote:

> On Mon, 18 Dec 2023, Geoff Huston wrote:
>> I am in support of adoption by the Working Group. The process of peer review 
>> has proved to be highly valuable over the years and the result is generally 
>> a more robust framework for critical elements of the DNS infrastructure.
> I agree, but also understand the situation could be strange. What if the
> WG would want some text but the authors representing the Root Zone
> operator cannot or do not want to do this? I guess at that point the
> document would have to move to the ISE ?

The reverse situation is also slightly strange, since as I understand it the 
ISE would need a conflict review to confirm that there's nothing in the 
individual submission that conflicts with the normal business of the working 
group, determination of which is maybe not 100% obvious (or at least depends on 
your point of view).

I think proceeding with adoption for now and crossing bridges later if and when 
we come to them is easiest.

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