On Wed, 15 Nov 2023 10:13:22 +0100
"libor.peltan" <libor.pel...@nic.cz> wrote:
> Hi Philip,

Hello Libor,

> I don't really want to discourage you, but I think this is in general
> a bad idea: optimizing for the best case, but no benefit -- or even 
> twice(?) as more resources consumption -- under a random-subdomain
> attack.

It seems to me that your point is good to mention in the document as a
possible operational risk or describe how you can mitigate it if we can
think of a good way to do that.

> It looks even weirder to me when I see you argumenting with DDoS 
> protection in the draft Introduction.
> However, Erik indicated that some commercial services are already
> doing this, so I might be wrong in considering it a bad idea (or
> might not).

If the conclusion would be that it is a bad idea after discussing it
here, that would also be valuable information for people considering it.

Stefan Ubbink
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