On 21 Aug 2023, at 17:08, Wessels, Duane 
<dwessels=40verisign....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

> You’re right that we have not been especially precise when using the word 
> “transport.”
> The authors did intend for DNS over UDP, over TCP, and over TLS, etc to 
> essentially
> be treated as separate transports, or separate ways a client can talk to a 
> server.
> I’m not sure how best to fix this.  On one hand, as far as we know, there is
> currently not a good term that collectively refers to DNS over UDP, TCP, TLS, 
> QUIC, and whatever else may come our way.  So maybe we need to define one.  
> I’m
> hesitant, though, because I’m not sure this document is where such a term 
> should
> be introduced, and because definitions often turn out to be like cans of 
> worms.

Documents like this one are surely where definitions first arise, to be 
collated and argued about later during the next terminology draft rev.

> Nonetheless, we have taken a stab at it:

I think your stab is a good stab. I like it.

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