On Jul 17, 2023, at 22:50, Paul Vixie <paul=40redbarn....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:
>> Agreed, but that horse had already left the barn when we published the first 
>> SPF RFC 4408.
> RFC 4408 was folly. TXT in a subdomain (RFC 5507 s3.2) would suit domain 
> verification well (wildcards aren't a factor) and would in no way be 
> precluded by the SPF design.

The IETF did make a mistake there for sure.

> perhaps a sub-domain under ._wellknown.$apex, to match current style in the 
> w3c world.

In general, DNS records have used just an underscore. As this space is still 
less automated and involves more humans and bad GUIs, i think it sticking to 
just an _ is better. (The web never had _ as a special/reserved character 
either unlike DNS)

Eg see _openpgpkey, _smime, DANE records, etc.


> -- 
> P Vixie
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