
On Jul 17, 2023, at 12:52 PM, Paul Vixie <> 
>> If the stability of anybody's infrastructure depends on people choosing a 
>> particular transport, I would suggest they might have reason to be worried. 
>> Simply hoping that people don't start using TCP in a significant way is 
>> putting your stability in a lot of other peoples' hands.
> also -1. state has mass. avoiding it will remain worthwhile.

“Please Friendly Malicious Actor, do not send too many TCP DNS requests as it 
might overwhelm my infrastructure”?

Joe is (correctly, IMHO) pointing out that given there is a need to support 
TCP-based DNS queries (see RFC 7766), prudent engineering would suggest you 
need to prepare for attacks against that infrastructure. As such arguing “state 
has mass” appears to miss the point.


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