On Tue, 20 Jun 2023 at 22:20, Roy Arends <r...@dnss.ec> wrote:

> The change was from -03 to -04 and discussed in the WG IIRC. The specific 
> sentence your refer to was a lingering oversight in the changes from -03 to 
> -04. I have consulted many developers on this, and so far I had no push back.
> > explicitly querying the authoritative server for the appropriate
> > report channel to a dependence on authoritatives attaching an
> > (unsolicited) EDNS0 report channel option to each and every query.
> No.
> An authoritative server includes the option if configured to do so AND if it 
> has the a non-null domain name configured as the reporting channel. It will 
> then reply to each query. This is IMHO better than having a resolver include 
> the option each and every time. Note that resolvers will ignore options that 
> are unknown to them.

6.2.  Authoritative server specification
Contains not a shred of normative language saying any of that.

The preliminary waffle in the overview could apply to either the
solicited or unsolicited regime.

> > I withdraw my earlier statement that the document is almost ready.
> > Now, clearly it is not.
> I hear you. I do not agree though, and I hope you reconsider
Not without further work


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