
4 weeks for ICANN (which? Organization, Board, Community, all 3?) to provide 
feedback?  (That feels sort of like the ITU asking "the IETF" for feedback on 
an IP-related protocol document in 4 weeks.)

As I’m sure both Harald and Warren can attest, ICANN processes, particularly 
those for which a public consensus statement is the desired outcome, tend to 
take a teensy bit longer than 4 weeks. Also, given how long it has taken to get 
the -alt-tld draft out the door of IETF processes, 4 weeks might be seen as a 
bit hypocritical.

What’s the desired outcome here? The only possible outcome I can imagine that 
could come from a 4 week notice period would be for individual entities who 
happen to participate in/around ICANN to provide feedback, not for “ICANN” 
(whichever facet you might be envisioning) to comment. Is that sufficient?


> On Mar 7, 2023, at 10:09 AM, Rob Wilton (rwilton) 
> <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I wanted to thank the WG, chairs, and authors, for their work and patience 
> with me on the alt-tld draft and to let the WG know of the next steps.
> Warren and Paul have posted an updated -22 version that addresses my AD 
> review comments, and hence I will start a 4-week IETF LC on this version 
> shortly (i.e., hopefully in the next couple of days - as soon as the liaison 
> statement is good to go).
> Wes, Mirja, and the DNSOP chairs, and Harald have helped me craft a liaison 
> statement to send to ICANN once the LC has started (which will be sent from 
> OPS Area) informing them of the progress of this document, hence also 
> providing an opportunity for comments via the standard IETF LC process.  The 
> extended 4-week IETF LC is to ensure that ICANN have enough time to review 
> the document and provide any feedback that they may have.
> My hope, and expectation, is that the document will then following the 
> standard IETF document approval and publication process.
> Regards,
> Rob
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