> On 12 Jan 2023, at 00:26, Philip Homburg <pch-dnso...@u-1.phicoh.com> wrote:
> In your letter dated Tue, 10 Jan 2023 11:33:57 -0500 (EST) you wrote:
>>>   However, such a setup leaves the application with no control over
>>>   which transport the proxy uses.
>> Why should the application have control over this? 
> The following is just a thought, I didn't implement it.
> With local DNS proxies that use encrypted transports there can be a bit of
> a bootstrap problem is a system boots without any sense of the current time.

Or DNSSEC is is use.

> What might happen is that a NTP client tries to lookup pool.ntp.org. If
> DNS resolution goes through a proxy that tries to use an encrypted transport,
> then the proxy may fail because the time is wrong. The NTP client doesn't
> get any answers so it can't set the clock and the system doesn't boot.
> In that case, if the NTP client would request DNS resolution over Do53 for
> its initinal lookup of pool.ntp.org, then the proxy can return a DNS reply
> and the system can boot normally.
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