On Nov 7, 2022, at 16:28, Kazunori Fujiwara <fujiw...@jprs.co.jp> wrote:

> "in-domain" glue is necessary.

There are cases where that is not true.

> "sibling" glue is not necessary.

There are cases where that is not true too, including the example you gave 
after that in that same e-mail:

> However, ".com" name resolution depends on "sibling" glue.

I continue to think the necessary/useful debate is a silly one. In the context 
of a referral response, glue means additional-section records that the sender 
of the referral imagines might possibly be helpful to the receiver (which in 
turn means it might be helpful to the sender, since the sender is in the 
business of sending things that can be used). The sender has no way of knowing 
for sure whether that will turn out to be true at the time when the response is 

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