Martin Schanzenbach wrote on 2022-10-23 04:38:
On 23.10.22 10:50, Suzanne Woolf wrote:

The chairs would like to hear it if anyone has anything new to say about such a 
registry on its technical merits, including specific registry policy and 
operational challenges with administering it if the non-technical risks could 
be managed.

i think everything has been both said and challenged. my own position hasn't evolved, and it's short so i'll summarize it here:

* first come first served
* same character set rules as DNS
* IDN is not disallowed
* short RFC to name the codepoint and refer to the carve-out's naming system
* administered by IETF not ICANN
* IANA to maintain a registry
* allocation cannot be denied

but, read on:

Martin Schanzenbach wrote on 2022-10-23 04:38:
In my opinion lots of technical justifications were given in the various
threads and those were not really addressed or refuted in any way but the
mentioned "non-technical risks" and "out of scope for dnsop" highlighted.
At the same time it appears to me that those risks do not (?) seem to manifest
themselves for .arpa. Is there an explanation or an indication why this would be
the case for .alt?

quoting suzanne's message to which the above text is a reply: <<high risk of walking directly into the conditions that led to the creation of ICANN in the first place>>

those were bad times. green papers, lawyers, oh my. noone who lived through the years of contention over who would control the root zone and how is going to be easily dragged back into it. in today's equilibrium the decision to allocate TLD codepoints rests with ICANN. so to get ".ALT" it will be nec'y to assert IETF's authority on the basis that this is a reservation not a delegation. it can be done (in my opinion) but nobody wants to bell that cat. getting ICANN to create and adopt a policy for reservation would be much harder. putting this under ".ARPA" would be much easier.

P Vixie

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