Apologies again for the delay - Eric Vynke and I have been traveling and
kept missing each other, but have finally gotten a chance to sync up on the
DNS Directorate.

We have received more than 50 volunteers for the directorate, and are
extremely grateful to everyone who volunteered.

The first step was to select the chairs of the directorate - we wanted to
choose people in differnt timezones, and with differing expertise (and who
we felt would work well together) - we ended up choosing Geoff Huston and
Jim Reid. Thank you very much to Geoff and Jim for accepting this important

Our goal is to have a small directorate (about 20 members) but with a good
balance among technical/policy domains, seniority, location, etc.... You
should hear more from Eric, the chairs, and I in the coming days.

Thanks again, everyone,
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