On Sep 30, 2022, at 1:59 PM, Catherine Meadows via Datatracker 
<nore...@ietf.org> wrote:
> I found one thing that could use improving:
> The descriptions given in the additional documents of interest section all 
> seem
> to be quotations from the documents described.  In most cases this worked 
> well,
> but  I found the description of RFC4470 a little puzzling.  It says that the
> RFC "describes how to construct DNSSEC NSEC resource records that cover a
> smaller range of names than called for by [RFC4034]".
>  All the other descriptions mentioned have to do with some security-relevant
>  topic, but it is hard to see what the security relevance of this is without
>  more information.  In this case, it might be helpful to include the next
>  sentence, which is
> “By generating and signing these records on demand, authoritative name servers
> can effectively stop the disclosure of zone contents  otherwise made possible
> by walking the chain of NSEC records in assigned zone.”
> This is still a little opaque, but then at least the reader should understand 
> that the reason this document is relevant is that it prevents an attacker from
> learning all the names  in a zone.

Thanks, this is a good catch. Fixed in the -04.

--Paul Hoffman

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