On Oct 3, 2022, at 3:18 PM, Linda Dunbar via Datatracker <nore...@ietf.org> 
> Section 1.2 (Implementing DNSSEC) states that some of the DNSSEC-related RFCs
> have significant errata.
> Is it possible to have a link to list those errata? so that people can easily
> access them.

It is not, unfortunately.

> I am not an expert in DNSSEC. It has been overwhelming going through so many
> RFCs for different aspects of the DNSSEC. It will be nicer if someone can 
> write
> a deployment guideline in addition to this draft of listing all the RFCs.

This would be lovely, but not likely. I would be happy to be wrong here.

--Paul Hoffman

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