On Sep 13, 2022, at 1:33 AM, libor.peltan 
<libor.peltan=40nic...@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:
> It seems interesting to me, that this RFC is single-authored, Informational 
> and non-WG.

There were plenty of people who helped with useful suggestions and corrections 
to the drafts.

It is Informational because there is no single way to present the data 
usefully. Some people wanted very text-y presentation, others wanted more 
hex-ish presentation that would be more likely to be interpreted correctly.

It was non-WG because I was just messing around with it. In the IETF, 
individually-submitted drafts have equal standing with WG RFCs, as long as they 
get similar levels of review, which this one did.

--Paul Hoffman

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