On 8/23/22 18:37, Joe Abley wrote:
On Aug 23, 2022, at 18:07, Peter Thomassen <pe...@desec.io> wrote:

Unaware applications: yes, perhaps mixed; but as they're unaware, they'll 
ignore the carve-out regardless of case

Aware applications: ... will produce only what's compliant. And the question 
here is what we want to define as compliant with the carve-out.

So your suggestion is that this document should specify behaviour for QNAMEs whose final 
label is exactly "alt" but that names with different capitalisation should be 
leaked to the DNS?

Please don't put words in my mouth. :-)

Names ending other than with the specified reserved label(s) would "leak" somewhere, just 
like typos (".allt") would. Typos aside, the question is what problem is getting solved 
by allowing various capitalizations.

I know that within the DNS, capitalization varies, but I haven't heard an 
argument why it is reasonable to assume that non-DNS applications would be 
prone to the same thing. It's entirely possible that I'm missing something, for 
example if nsswitch would be doing such a thing.

So, why do you think that for resolving non-DNS names, aware applications would 
apply other than the defined case?

I'm happy to be convinced that there are reasons for that.



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