On Aug 22, 2022, at 2:41 AM, Andrew McConachie <and...@depht.com> wrote:
> The draft doesn’t specify if this registry is restricted to ASCII LDH or not.

Correct. Do you feel that it should specify that level of detail? Other 
registries for domain names do not have this level of detail attached to them, 
but this one could.

> Can I write an RFC and get #&^%&^%)(}{.alt?

Yes. You could also use such a SLD and not write an RFC; the "specification 
required" is only to get into the registry, not to use the SLD.

> How about ..alt? Or .alt? (My proposed string is NULL)

Yes, same.

> Why not allow unicode or at least some subset of it?

It already does. The DNS is a binary format with a common assumption (but not 
requirement!) of LDH characters.

> If we want people to use this registry for their hip new naming system I 
> think we should encourage developers to move away from ASCII LDH.

I would prefer that they choose whatever is best for their own non-DNS user 
community, which might still be ASCII.

--Paul Hoffman

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