Greetings again. The recent traffic on the list shows a strong interest in 
reviving draft-ietf-dnsop-alt-tld, hopefully to get it out of the WG and into 
the IETF, then publication as an RFC.

In the past, the WG has gotten quite borked on some of the details in the 
draft, many of which were not actually relevant to "here's the string and 
here's what it can be used for". This version of the draft removes a lot of 
cruft, including the not-actually-honest 6761 template that is no longer 
required by the IESG for inclusion in the registry.

We also added the new IANA registry that has been being contemplated on the 
list in the past few days. We hope we got the right balance of utility as a 
registry versus making it clear that the names in the registry don't have to be 

Support and opposition are welcome, but suggested text changes are even more 
welcome. Once we get this right, Warren and I will ask for another WG Last Call 
so that it can move on.

--Paul Hoffman (certainly not speaking for Warren)

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