How to privatise the commons in names. 1) release a browser with remotely enable-able features, initially disabled 2) when you hit 95% penetration, enable the feature.
If the omnibar in the dominant browser had a selection logic akin to nsswitch.conf or resolver.conf config options, this debate moves from a tech governance space to a vendor decision in 3-6 months. At which point, the additional TA and equivalence to the public suffix list is strong. We're lucky we don't seem to have a vendor who wants to try it, because logistically it would be extremely simple. My point is that gethostbyname() itself is subject to code if/then/else decisions, so the idea names are gated by protocol or functional API spec is really moot. It's a soft agreement only. My own hosts (laptops) still appear to honour /etc/hosts before DNS. I used this in China for gfc reasons. So local override is also strong in this. Would it be a tragedy if unitary namespace ideas die? Would it be a tragedy if a single dominant vendor had a switch?
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