Hi Cathy,

are there any implementations of this available?

In Sec. 2, it draft says

> The implementation of SM3 in DNSSEC follows the
>   implementation of SHA-256 as specified in RFC 4509[RFC4509] except
>   that the underlying algorithm is SM3, the digest value is 32 bytes
>   long, and the digest type code is 17 [to be determined].

RFC 4509 states that SHA-256 has 32 byte digest length, so the "except"
above is a bit misleading. While the digest type code is to be
determined, it should be 6 to be consistent with the rest of the draft.


On Wed, 2022-08-10 at 16:55 +0800, zhangcuiling wrote:
> Dear dnsop,
> According to Paul's comment, I modified the draft. There are two
> major changes.
> 1. Replace a reference document with a free one.
> In the former version, the draft referenced an ISO standard
> [ISO/IEC14888-3:2018] that is not freely available, so I replace it
> with another one.
> And additionally, I noticed that there is a RFC which introduces SM
> Cipher Suites for TLS 1.3 [RFC8998].
> 2. Add a few words to describe why it's reasonable to introduce
> another ECC-based algorithm.
> Explain the differences between SM2 and ECDSA from the point of view
> of the curve it uses and the process.
> Any comments and suggestion will be appreciated.
> Best regards,
> Cathy Zhang
> 8/10/2022
> > A new version of I-D, draft-cuiling-dnsop-sm2-alg-01.txt
> > has been successfully submitted by Cuiling Zhang and posted to the
> > IETF repository.
> >  
> > Name:       draft-cuiling-dnsop-sm2-alg
> > Revision:   01
> > Title:      SM2 Digital Signature Algorithm for DNSSEC
> > Document date:      2022-07-27
> > Group:      Individual Submission
> > Pages:      6
> > URL:            
> https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-cuiling-dnsop-sm2-alg-01.txt
> > Status:         
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-cuiling-dnsop-sm2-alg/
> > Htmlized:       
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-cuiling-dnsop-sm2-alg
> > Diff:           
> https://www.ietf.org/rfcdiff?url2=draft-cuiling-dnsop-sm2-alg-01
> >  
> > Abstract:
> >   This document describes how to specify SM2 Digital Signature
> >   Algorithm keys and signatures in DNS Security (DNSSEC). It lists
> >   the curve and uses SM3 as hash algorithm for signatures.
> >  
> >                                                                    
> >  
> >  
> > The IETF Secretariat
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