We updated dnsop-structured-dns-error-page:

* Require using RESINFO [I-D.reddy-add-resolver-info] in client
processing and added discussion of attack mitigation of using

* Removed validation of URI domain suffix, which we can't do for
some URLs (e.g., tel:), is difficult/impossible for others when
3rd party is handling level one support (e.g., sips:). Instead
rely on RESINFO telling us if EDE is supported by the DNS server
and, if so, expect it to properly support EDE rather than blindly
forward an unknown DNS option.

* Removed 'partial URI' text

and this version incorporates other feedback we have received to date as it has 
matured. Datatracker, 

Feedback welcome, especially on these changes which we expect resolve issues 
raised with earlier versions of the document.


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