I run/manage the EDU.ZA zone and am a Registrar.
Both systems poll for CDS records.... if I'm not running the DNS for the
domain (e.g. many of the Registrar domains). I have also given
presentations on this at the ICANN DNSSEC & Security Workshop - which I
also assist with.
I poll once a day in the small hours of the night. The systems work
fine. Job done?
I am though curious as to what Statistics people gather (what people
thing would be useful). I do have log files of events - so could pick up
various stats over time?
EDU.ZA (a "restricted" zone) CDS/DNSSEC numbers are not big but the zone
only has about 150 delegations.
Registrar numbers are better but I also offer DNSSEC "instant
gratification" via a web interface - which my Registrants (& resellers)
prefer - rather than waiting a few days for the CDS polling to believe
what it finds.
The system has been great though at picking up Domains hosted with
Cloudflare - who offer DNSSEC Signing of a domain with a click of a
button. Not sure if there are other companies on the scale and
functionality of Cloudflare?
On 1/14/22 9:00 AM, Moritz Müller wrote:
I’ve supervised an undergraduate student last year, who looked a bit into CDS
Deployment [1].
Though he mostly analysed .ch data as well.
[1] http://essay.utwente.nl/86832/1/van%20Beijnum_BA_EEMCS.pdf
On 13 Jan 2022, at 14:14, Daniel Stirnimann <daniel.stirnim...@switch.ch> wrote:
I meant to say "For 2021 we processed".
Still need to get used to typing the new year :-)
On 13.01.22 14:11, Daniel Stirnimann wrote:
Hi Eric,
Some statistics for .ch/.li which are some of the few TLDs supporting
For 2020 we processed:
Slide 3 [2] contains some more historical numbers. Context about the
number of signed delegations in .ch [3].
[1] https://github.com/oskar456/cds-updates/
[2] https://68.schedule.icann.org/meetings/EqJCzT5N6kcZhh2TT
[3] https://www.nic.ch/statistics/dnssec/
On 13.01.22 04:12, Eric Rescorla wrote:
Hi folks
Does anyone have stats on the deployment of CDS and/or CDNSKEY? I see
that Chung et al. report very low deployment in 2017, but maybe things
have changed?
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