Please provide feedback to the NomCom -- the IESG you get is the one that *you* help select.
Even a few sentences help... W ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: NomCom Chair 2021 <> Date: Tue, Oct 19, 2021 at 10:28 AM Subject: NomCom 2021-2022 Call for Community Feedback To: IETF Announcement List <> Hi IETF, The deadline for nominee acceptance and questionnaire submission was yesterday, Oct 18. As of today, Oct 19, NomCom is accepting feedback on nominees for IAB, IESG Area Directors, IETF Trust and LLC Board. NomCom is also accepting feedback on other topics (more on this below). You can see the list of nominees for the 2021 nomination cycle at [If you are a nominee and submitted a questionnaire your name should appear on that page, otherwise, please let me know.] You may provide feedback using the web form. Any submitted feedback is encrypted with a key I created and gave only to NomCom members. Without this key, your feedback cannot be seen by the secretariat, the tools people, or any of the management. Your feedback through the web form is not anonymous when shown to NomCom members as you need an IETF login to provide it. You may also send feedback directly to the NomCom via nomcom-2021 at If you want to give more anonymous feedback, please contact one of the NomCom members that you trust directly, and ask that person to relay the feedback anonymously to the NomCom. You can also submit feedback via email to nomcom-chair-2021 at and I will enter it in the datatracker (one email per candidate, please). Please indicate if I should share your identity with the full NomCom. The positions to be filled and the desired expertise are listed at: Some of you may be aware of the "360-degree reviews" of the current IESG ADs: I encourage you to provide that feedback as well. I wish to clarify that personnel feedback to NomCom should be limited to nominees (some of which may also be IESG incumbents). This should clarify the difference of NomCom feedback with the "360-degree reviews". NomCom also welcomes feedback on topics related to the nomination process. Please submit via email as suggested above, although some topics may start showing up in the above feedback web form at Thanks in advance for your feedback - we really value it and appreciate your time taken to submit it. Gabriel Gabriel Montenegro IETF NomCom Chair 2021-22 nomcom-chair-2021 at ietf dot org _______________________________________________ IETF-Announce mailing list -- The computing scientist’s main challenge is not to get confused by the complexities of his own making. -- E. W. Dijkstra
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